According to this book, the creative class consists of those people who primarily create, combine, modify and extend ideas. This includes artists and musicians, but also ranges to scientists and engineers even some managers are included. Taking a look at the class and its composition, Florida argues how companies and countries can react to the growing importance and influence of creative workers. It turns out that there is a strong correlation between places with many gays, artists, cultural/ethic mixture and a strong creative industry/economy.
Furthermore he argues that people tend to cluster at places they like rather than to prefer places the industry chooses to build their factories. Consequently cities and counties should take measures to ensure those people will cluster.
Reading it (and not having finished it yet) I get the feeling that all that needs to be done is to follow the arguments M. Friedman made: let the free market decide. Deregulation should allow people to cluster whereever they like to and due to democratic systems form their environment according to their likings. The creative class contains up to one third of all employees - being not a minority at all, special rules, laws and regulations can be supported by the class itself if necessary. With respect to the backward, conservative US laws, the abolishment of quite some laws seems to be the better alternative.
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